
Mayelana Wiktionary


isiZulu: Dala ikhawundi

English: Register an account!

Lapha sibhala incwadi yamagama. Ake nisisize! Bheka inhlobo ngesiNgisi, ngesiBhunu, ngesiSuthu, noma ngesiXhosa.

If you speak Zulu and can either describe a Zulu word or give the translation of a foreign word into Zulu, this website is for you. All editors here speak English.

Hierdie wiktionary is vir bydraes in Zoeloe, as jy 'n Zoeloe woord kan beskryf of die vertaling van 'n woord in 'n ander taal in Zoeloe kan verskaf is dit die webwerf vir jou.

-- Ngiyakwemukela! Welcome to the Zulu Wiktionary! Welkom by Wikiwoordeboek!